Staff Picks Adult Nonfiction

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July 2019

Uncommon Type: some stories

by Tom Hanks

This is a delightful book! This book is made up of a bunch of short stories that keep you turning the page. As you go from story to story you will find you run into familiar characters. Hanks takes you back to characters from a previous story to share another moment/event in their lives. This book made me laugh, made me emotional, and inspired me. This is a must read!

Recommended by: Jenna Schwartz, Reference Librarian 

Posted in: Adult Nonfiction

Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life

by Julie Morgenstern

Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life, by Julie Morgenstern, is a very practical book that helps readers decide how they may want to simplify their lives and make space for new pursuits. The author addresses three areas including the physical things we collect, the habits we keep, and the time commitments we make. She also addresses some of the psychological reasons we might be holding on to certain things and provides various exercises to help readers become un-stuck. Unlike some of the other simplifying and organizing books I have read, this author does not propose to know how much stuff is the right amount for an individual to keep or shed; she believes that whatever amount makes the individual comfortable is the right amount.

Recommended by: Julie Pryor, Patron Services Assistant Manager

Posted in: Adult Nonfiction

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