Teen Service Hours

Teens! We have volunteer service hour opportunities!

***Teens must be present in order to pick up Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, return Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, and to get any paperwork signed confirming hours.

The library does not provide service hours for court mandated issues.
Hours are given out at the discretion of the library staff. If we deem your work to be insufficient or inappropriate, library staff can reject submissions. We do not provide Service Hours forms. They must come from your school or organization.

All virtual Service Hour forms can be brought in to the Teen Desk for signature confirmation after Service Hours have been confirmed by us via email. We will try to confirm virtual service hours within 1 week via email, but cannot guarantee the time frame.

All in person Service Hour forms can be brought in the day of the program or any time after. They will not be signed until the end of the program you are helping out at.

Anyone in grades 6-12 can participate in our Teen service hour opportunities, unless otherwise noted. All in person service hour programing currently requires registration. If you cannot attend the opportunities that you have registered for, be sure to either cancel online, or call us to cancel. If you miss more than 2 opportunities without canceling, you will not be able to register for any more opportunities.

Virtual Service Hour Opportunities

Virtual Service Hour Opportunities

***Teens must be present in order to get any paperwork signed confirming hours.
The library does not provide service hours for court mandated issues.
To earn virtual service hours, you must follow ALL listed directions. Hours are given out at the discretion of the library staff. If we deem your work to be insufficient or inappropriate, library staff can reject submissions. We do not provide Service Hours forms. They must come from your school or organization. All Service Hour forms can be brought in to the Teen Desk for signature confirmation after Service Hours have been approved via email. We will try to confirm service hours within 1 week via email, but cannot guarantee the time frame. Anyone in grades 6-12 can participate in our virtual service hour opportunities. Teens must be present in order for their service hour paperwork to be signed.

  • Select a project from the list below.
  • Follow all the directions for each project.
  • Submit emails with your finished work no later than December 31 for opportunities from our current selection.
  • After December 31, keep an eye out for updated service opportunities!
  • Each individual Virtual Service Hour opportunity has it’s own limit to how many hours you can earn from it. You can do multiple opportunities. (Example: you can do 3 Your Picks, 5 Letters to Elders, and 3 Write Ups to gain 11 hours of service.)

Section 1: Recommending To Others

Your Picks: Teen Video Edition (Limit 3 Submissions/3 Service Hours)

(Limit started January 1, 2024. Anything sent January 1 or later will be counted towards your 3 for this year. Anything sent prior to January 1, 2024 will not count towards your 3.)

Do you like to recommend things to friends? Do you like making videos? If the answer is yes, then we’ve got a service hour opportunity for you.

  • Create a 1 to 5 minute video where you do a review of your favorite teen books. (Books read for class will not be accepted for service hours.) All reviews must be about YA items from the Library’s collection, meaning it must be Teen/YA and the Orland Park Public Library MUST own it in our YA (Young Adult) collection. If you are unsure if it counts, ask one of the librarians and we’ll be happy to check for you.
  • Your goal is to try to persuade people to check out the item you’re reviewing. Tell them a little bit about the story (no spoilers) and why it’s so amazing. Use your own words. Do not read the summary off the back of the item or one you picked up online.
  • For every approved video you do, you’ll receive one service hour from the library. (Limit 3)
  • All videos must be library appropriate.
  • When recording be sure you use standard definition (don’t send videos over 200,000KB). Submitted videos may be posted on the library’s website and social media at staff’s discretion, so by sending them to us you are giving us permission to use your material and likeness.
  • Submit your videos by sending us a way to download the video file by either creating a free Dropbox account or by using a Google Cloud link. Send us those links by emailing efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org.
  • Be sure you do not have any copyrighted material in your videos. (This includes but isn’t limited to: music, video clips, photos, etc. )
  • You can do more than one video (up to 3), but each review submitted must cover a different item. Each video must also be on different items than your Write Ups and/or Bookstagrams, if you choose to do those options as well.
  • Be sure that you include your full name (first and last), grade, and which service hour program you are submitting work for (in this case Your Picks) in every email you send us. (It’s like making sure your name is on your paper for school before turning it in.) If you do not have your name on your work, you will not receive credit for it. Do not add this information to the subject line of the email. Please add it to the actual body of the email.
  • After a video has been submitted and approved via email, we will be able to sign your service hours form. (The Teen must be present with their form in order for it to be signed.)
  • Check out these video reviews from Teens like you!

Teen Write-Ups (Limit 3 Submissions/3 Service Hours)

(Limit starts January 1, 2024. Anything sent January 1 or later will be counted towards your 3 for this year. Anything sent prior to January 1, 2024 will not count towards your 3.)

Have you read something amazing lately?

  • Write up a paragraph review (at least 7 sentences) about a teen book. (Books read for class will not be accepted for service hours.) All reviews must be about YA items from the Library’s collection, meaning it must be Teen/YA and the Orland Park Public Library MUST own it in our YA (Young Adult) collection.
  • All reviews should start with the title of the item and the author of the book. This is the “title” of your review and does not count as one of your paragraph sentences.
    Example: “The Hunger Games” by Suzan Collins
    If you do not include this information, we cannot give you service hour credit.
  • Your goal is to try to persuade people to go check out what you’ve wrote about. Tell them a little bit about the story (no spoilers) and why it’s so amazing. Your paragraph must be written in your own words.
  • For every write up you do (up to 3) and that is approved, you’ll receive one service hour from the library.
  • All write ups must be library appropriate. Submitted write ups may be posted on the library’s website and social media at staff’s discretion, so by sending them to us you are giving us permission to use your material.
  • Send all write ups to efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org.
  • After a write up has been submitted and approved via email, we will be able to sign your service hours form. (The Teen must be present with their form in order for it to be signed.)
  • You can do more than one write up (up to 3), but each paragraph submitted must be about something different. Each Write Up must also be on different items than your Bookstagrams and/or Your Pick Videos, if you choose to do those options as well.
  • Be sure that you include your full name (first and last), grade, and which service hour program you are submitting work for (in this case Write Ups) in every email you send us. (It’s like making sure your name is on your paper for school before turning it in.) If you do not have your name on your work, you will not receive credit for it. Do not add this information to the subject line of the email. Please add it to the actual body of the email.
  • Check out these reviews from Teens like you!

Teen Bookstagrams (Limit 3 Submissions/3 Service Hours)

(Limit started January 1, 2024. Anything sent January 1 or later will be counted towards your 3 for this year. Anything sent prior to January 1, 2024 will not count towards your 3.)

Do you love Instagram? Do you love to read? Why not mix the two together and earn service hours for it?

  • Read a teen book from the Library’s collection then create a bookstagram for us to post on the library’s account. Books read for class will not be accepted for service hours. All reviews must be about YA items from the Library’s collection, meaning it must be Teen/YA and the Orland Park Public Library MUST own it in our YA (Young Adult) collection.
  • Not sure what a bookstagram is? Check out the library’s Instagram account and see examples of what others have done.
  • Each post needs a photo with a teen/YA book in it. Be as creative as you can. Please don’t just send us a picture of the book by itself. Try to make a cool background, add props, or use photo editing. You will also write a short review (at least 5 sentences) on why it’s such a great read and why others should read it too.
  • Each photo needs to be submitted in a PDF or jpeg form. Your review should be written up in an email.
  • For every bookstagram you do and get approved (up to 3), you’ll receive one service hour from the library.
  • All posts must be library appropriate.
  • Submitted work may be posted on the library’s website and social media at staff’s discretion, so by sending them to us you are giving us permission to use your material.
  • Send all photos and reviews to efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org.
  • After a bookstagram has been submitted to us and approved via email, we will be able to sign your service hours form. (The Teen must be present with their form in order for it to be signed.)
  • Check Orland Park Public Library Instagram page to see Bookstagrams submissions from Teens like you!
  • You can do more than one bookstagram (up to 3) but each one submitted must be about a different YA book. Each Bookstagram must also be on different items than your Write Ups and/or Your Pick Videos, if you choose to do those options as well.
  • Be sure that you include your full name (first and last), grade, and which service hour program you are submitting work for (in this case Bookstagrams) in every email you send us. (It’s like making sure your name is on your paper for school before turning it in.) If you do not have your name on your work, you will not receive credit for it. Do not add this information to the subject line of the email. Please add it to the actual body of the email.
  • See the photos below for some bookstagram photo inspiration.


Section 2: Helping Out Across The World

  • Select an organization from the “volunteer activities,” listed below.
  • Follow the requirements on our website and the organizations’ websites to complete volunteer work. (Find all the websites links for each organization below.)
  • Choose one organization (project) or a few to receive volunteer hours.
  • For each activity that you complete, take a clear photo of your finished volunteer project (example: letter, transcription etc.), upload it to an email and send it to efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org. No selfies required.
  • Copying your work text from the organizations’ websites and pasting it into an email is also acceptable. We just need to see your fully completed work, or no credit can be given.
  • Be sure that your full name (first and last) is in the email that you send us. No name equals no service hour credit.
  • Submit emails no later than December 31, 2024.
  • After December 31, keep an eye out for updated service opportunities!

The Organizations:

  • Love for Our Elders (Limit 5 Submissions/5 Service Hours)
    (Limit started January 1, 2024. Anything sent January 1 or later will be counted towards your 5 for this year. Anything sent prior to January 1, 2024 will not count towards your 5.)
    Make someone’s day a little brighter! Hand-write letters to residents in senior facilities.
    • Check out https://loveforourelders.org/letters and follow the instructions on their page to write and send a letter. (Note that they request that you write to one of their elders, not just an anonymous letter. That means every letter should start with a “Dear” and then the name of the person that you are writing to. (Dear Tom, Dear Dorthy,…..) They also request that the letter be decorated and on nice paper. You will not receive credit for just turning in words written on notebook paper. Make sure that the body of your letter (your main paragraph) is at least 7 sentences long. Your opening “Dear” and closing “Your Friend” do not count as one of your 7 sentences.) Please be sure to use punctuation in your letters.
    • Send a clear photo of your letter to efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org.
    • Be sure that we can see your full letter or we will not be able to give you credit. Since these are all handmade, a photo is required for this project. If you are having trouble sending a photo, contact efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org.
    • For each approved letter that you send to us, you’ll earn 1 hour of service time. (up to 5)
    • After a finished project has been submitted and approved via email, we will be able to sign your service hours form. (The Teen must be present with their form in order for it to be signed.)
    • You can do more than one letter (up to 5).
    • Be sure that you include your full name (first and last), grade, and which service hour program you are submitting work for (in this case Love for Our Elders) in every email you send us. (It’s like making sure your name is on your paper for school before turning it in.) If you do not have your name on your work, you will not receive credit for it. Do not add this information to the subject line of the email. Please add it to the actual body of the email.
    • Please be sure to send the organization your finished letters by following their guidelines on their website.
  • By the People (Limit 5 Submissions/5 Service Hours)
    (Limit started January 1, 2024. Anything sent January 1 or later will be counted towards your 5 for this year. Anything sent prior to January 1, 2024 will not count towards your 5.)
    Help the Library of Congress make documents searchable in their catalog. You will assist in transcribing original items. Anyone can transcribe and an account is not needed.
    • Check out https://crowd.loc.gov/help-center/welcome-guide and follow the instructions on their page to transcribe a document. Be sure that you are choosing longer documents to transcribe (at least two thirds of a page long/150 words long). Sending us something that is only a sentence or two long is not going to earn you any Service hour time.
    • Send a clear photo of your work and the original document that you transcribed to efaxel@orlandparklibrary.org . Be sure that we can see everything that you worked on. If you need to copy and paste your transcription into the email, that is ok. If you need to send us multiple photos that’s ok. We just need to be sure that you completed the full transcription or we cannot give you credit for your work.
    • For each transcription that you send to us, you’ll earn 1 hour of service time. (up to 5)
    • After a finished project has been submitted and approved via email, we will be able to sign your service hours form. (The Teen must be present with their form in order for it to be signed.)
    • You can do more than one transcription. (up to 5)
    • Be sure that you include your full name (first and last), grade, and which service hour program you are submitting work for (in this case By The People) in every email you send us. (It’s like making sure your name is on your paper for school before turning it in.) If you do not have your name on your work, you will not receive credit for it. Do not add this information to the subject line of the email. Please add it to the actual body of the email.

Take Make and Bring Back

Take Make and Bring Back

***Teens must be present in order to pick up Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, return Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, and to get any paperwork signed confirming hours.

The library does not provide service hours for court mandated issues. Hours are given out at the discretion of the library staff. If we deem your work to be insufficient or inappropriate, library staff can reject submissions. We do not provide Service Hours forms. They must come from your school or organization. All Service Hour forms can be brought in to the Teen Desk for signature confirmation after Service Hours have been turned in and approved by a librarian. Anyone in grades 6-12 can participate in our hybrid service hour opportunities. No registration is required for hybrid in-person programing. These programs are monthly and go while kits last.

Take Make and Bring Back


  • Pick up your kits at the Teen Loft Desk, while supplies last. No online sign up required. Hurry, they go FAST!
  • Be sure to follow ALL instructions in your kit to earn service hours
  • You may only have 1 kit out at a time. Once you return your finished kit, you can take another one
  • Teens must be present in order to pick up/return their kit.

Dress A Skeleton

  • Month of September
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Pick up a 6-inch skeleton kit from the Teen Desk, dress up/decorate your skeleton for Halloween, bring your work back to the Teen Desk to earn hours. Skeletons will be used in the Teen Loft for the month of October.

Celebrate Libraries Mini Works of Art

  • Month of September
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Pick up this kit and create a work of art to show off your love for libraries. Artwork may be used in the Teen Loft or other parts of the library.

Fall Photo Challenge

  • Months of September and October
  • Hours Earned: Varies On How Many Prompts Are Completed
  • Pick up the Fall Photo Challenge instructions from the Teen Desk. Choose at least 5 prompts, take your pictures, print them, and then bring in your photos to earn service hours. Photos will be used to decorate the Teen Loft.
  • Bonus for the month of September: Complete the 20th Anniversary Challenge for an extra 2 service hours.

Wood Snowflakes

  • Month of November
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Pick up a Snowflake Cutout kit, decorate all of the cutouts front and back, and return your work to the Teen Desk to earn hours. Cutouts will be used to decorate the Teen Loft.

Winter Photo Challenge

  • Months of December and January
  • Hours Earned: Varies On How Many Prompts Are Completed
  • Pick up the Winter Photo Challenge instructions from the Teen Desk. Choose at least 5 prompts, take your pictures, print them, and then bring in your photos to earn service hours. Photos will be used to decorate the Teen Loft.

Decorate A Paper Latte

  • Months of November – January
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Pick up a Latte kit, decorate all of the cutouts, and return your work to the Teen Desk to earn hours. Cutouts will be used to decorate the Teen Loft for the Read a Latte Winter Reading Program.

In-Person Volunteering Projects

In-Person Volunteering Projects

***Teens must be present in order to pick up Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, return Take, Make And Bring Back Kits, and to get any paperwork signed confirming hours.

It is important that you show up for your in-person service hour opportunities on time. If you sign up and don’t show up for two programs, you will lose all of your additional service hour opportunities. If you call us ahead of time to let us know that you can’t make it to your registered program you will not lose any future opportunities.

The library does not provide service hours for court mandated issues. Hours are given out at the discretion of the library staff. If we deem your work to be insufficient or inappropriate, library staff can dismiss teen with no service hours given. We do not provide Service Hours forms. They must come from your school or organization. All Service Hour forms can be brought in to the Teen Desk by the Teen for signature confirmation after the event that the teen participated in. Anyone in grades 6-12 can participate in our in-person service hour opportunities by registering on our event calendar.

Service Hour Programs:

Mad Science Buddies: Cryptid Conservation Club

  • Thursday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1
  • Work with librarians to help kids learn about conservation by using crafts and cryptids like big foot and the loch ness monster. Registration Opens: Sept. 3

Getting Ready for Tricks and Treats

  • Sunday, Oct. 13 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1.5 Per Session
  • Help little kids make spooky trick or treat bags. Registration Opens: Sept. 16

Mad Science Buddies: Ink-Tober

  • Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1
  • Do you like to draw? Buddy up with a child to create large-scale drawings using Inktober prompts. Registration Opens: Sept. 16

OPPLcon Tape Obstacle Course

  • Thursday, Oct. 24 at 5 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Create obstacle courses in the picture shelves for our upcoming annual OPPLcon. Registration Opens: Sept. 16

OPPLcon Volunteers

  • Mandatory Training Date: Friday, Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. Hours Earned: 1
  • Program Date: Saturday, Oct. 26 from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Hours Earned: 5
  • Register to help with our OPPLcon. We will have various stations and activities that you will help run with the help of our librarians. Lunch will be provided. Attending mandatory training is required to work the day of the event. Registration Opens: Sept. 16

Food Drive

  • Friday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 30 at 2 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1 Per Session
  • Session 1 we’ll be creating donation bins and placing them out for the public. Session 2 we’ll come back, sort, and pack up all of the donations. Register for each date separately. Registration Opens: Oct. 15

Mad Science Buddies: Dinovember

  • Friday, Nov. 8 at 6 p.m
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Buddy up with a child to make awesome dinosaur collages, then come back to find pictures of your dinos in a scavenger hunt in the Children’s Library. Registration Opens: Oct. 15

Giving Tree

  • Monday, Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. and Thursday, Jan. 2 at 5 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1 Per Session
  • Session 1 we’ll be creating donation bins and placing them out for the public. Session 2 we’ll come back, sort, and pack up all of the donations. Register for each date separately. Registration Opens: Nov. 15

Winter Wonderfest Tape Obstacle Course

  • Friday, Dec. 6 at 5 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 2
  • Register to join us in creating a tape obstacle course for our upcoming Winter Wonderfest. Registration Opens: Nov. 15

Winter Wonderfest Volunteers

  • Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 5
  • Help out with our Winterfest Day. We’ll have various stations and activities that you will help run with the help of our librarians. Lunch will be provided. Registration Opens: Nov. 15

Mad Science Buddies: Snow Buddies

  • Friday, Dec 27 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Hours Earned: 1
  • Buddy up with little kids to help them make fake snow. Registration Opens: Nov. 15

Little Free Food Pantry Stockers

  • Training Dates:
    • Monday, Sept. 9 at 5 p.m. Registration Opens: Sept. 3
    • Monday, Oct. 2 at 5 p.m. Registration Opens: Sept. 16
    • Monday, Nov. 4 at 5 p.m. Registration Opens: Oct. 15
    • Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 5 p.m. Registration Opens: Nov. 15
  • Hours Earned: Varies
  • Help us keep our Little Food Pantry stocked. You will need to attend a 1-hour mandatory training session and commit to visiting the library once a week for the month you register for. Meet at the Teen Desk for training.
  • Registration required for each month separately.

Children’s Program Helpers

(Service hours earned varies. Check registration calendar for details. Volunteer space is limited. You will be working with a librarian during these programs. Teens must be present in order to get any paperwork signed confirming hours.)
Want to help out in a Youth program and gain amazing experience working with kids? 6-12 graders can register online for one (or more) of the following volunteer opportunities: